Tuesday 16 October 2012


Which brief are you pursuing?
We have chosen to create a horror trailer.

Identify if this is an individual or group project.
This is a group project. I am working with Jessica Kerr and Rachel Jordison.

List roles and responsibilities if you are working in a group?
Jessica will be editing the trailer in post production. Rachel's role is to choose locations and props, everything involving mise-en-scene. She is also starring in the trailer. My role is to film the trailer, choose camera angles and take charge of the filming equipment.

Write a brief summary of your CONCEPT for the main task.
We have decided to create a trailer based around The Possession and The Exorcist. Our plot will consist of a young girl picking up a doll at a yard sale, which then possesses her. The doll becomes very important to the girl and her mother does not know why until she sees her daughter possessed.

List any ideas for LOCATIONS. (Mise en scene)
  • Inside of a house
  • Dark alley ways
  • Forest area
  • Abandoned field
List any ideas for COSTUME and PROPS (Mise en scene)
  • A white night gown (to show her innonence)
  • A doll
  • A 'worn' night gown once she has been possessed
Outline your ideas for each ancilliary task:
For my horror poster, I plan on using the small girl as the main image for my poster. She will be wearing a white night dress to denote her innonence and purity. However, I am going to photoshop her face, particulary her eyes so that they look 'possessed'.

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