Thursday, 9 February 2012

Music Questionnaire

I devised a music questionnaire for my research to find out what music magazines the public would like to buy which will help me towards making my final magazine product. Here is my questionnaire below:

1. Are you male or female?
Male Female

2. How often do you buy music magazines?
Once a week Once a month Rarely Never

3. What music genre do you prefer?
Pop Rock Metal Dance Indie Country Soul Reggae RnB
If other please state ____________________________

4. Do you download music or buy CDs?
Download Buy Both Neither

5. If you download your music, how do you do so?
Through ITunes Torrent sites
If other please state ____________________________

6. Do you feel it is right to download music illegally through Torrent sites etc. for free?
Yes No

7. How much music do you listen to per day?
Under 1 hour 1-2 hours 2-3 hours 3 hours + Do not listen to music

8. How do you listen to music?
IPod Internet Television Mobile Phone
If other please state ____________________________

9. Do you prefer bands or solo artists?
Bands Solo artists No preference

10. What music magazines do you read?
NME Vibe Kerrang Q Mojo None
If other please state ____________________________

11. If you do not buy magazines, why?
Over-priced Music does not interest me
If other please state ____________________________

12. What do you look for when buying a music magazine?
Free CD/Poster Reviews Artists you enjoy/listen to
If other please state ____________________________

13. How much do you spend on music magazines per month?
£0-£5 £5.01-£10 £10.01+ Don’t buy magazines

14. How much do you spend buying CD’s/downloading music per month?
£0-£5 £5.01-£10 £10.01+ Don’t buy music
If you do not buy CD’s/download, where do you get your music from, please state ____________________________

15. When buying a music magazine do you prefer:
A bigger proportion of text to pictures A bigger proportion of pictures to text The proportion of text to pictures to be equal

16. What would you be prepared to pay for a monthly music magazine?
Under £2 £2-£3 £3.01-£4 £4+

17. What type of articles do you prefer?
Interviews Reviews Features
If other, please state ____________________________

18. Does the content on the cover of a magazine influence your decision to buy?
Yes No

19. What would attract you to buying a music magazine?
Pictures of bands Interviews Reviews Freebies
If other, please state ____________________________

20. Do you prefer male or female solo artists/bands?
Male Female No preference